Simple User Guide for Rockspace Extender Setup

 The logging into the Rockspace WiFi range extender is very easy and it will help you in doing the configuration of your extender. But what if you do not know how to login and set up your Rockspace extender? Well, if this is the scenario then you do not need to be worried. We are here to help you. In this blog, we will be discussing how to do Rockspace Extender Setup with the existing WiFi network. Once you set up your Rockspace WiFi range extender, you can easily boost the WiFi connection to a long extent and can easily remove the dead zones from your home or office. Keep reading and check out the steps for the Rockspace WiFi range extender login and setup.

How to Do Rockspace Extender Setup?

There are two different methods with the help of which you can easily complete the Rockspace extender setup. In this section, we have described how you can do the Rockspace extender setup using the Ethernet cable. Here are the steps that you need to follow:

Step 1: Firstly, connect your Rockspace extender to the computer using an Ethernet cable.

Step 2: Open any web browser from your system. Enter re.rockspace.local web address or IP address in the address bar of the web browser.

Step 3: Now, you will see that Rockspace login web page displays on the screen. 

Step 4: Enter the login credential details in the respective fields such as username and password. You will find this detail in the box of the Rockspace extender.

Step 5: Click on the login button.

Step 6: Now, you will be redirected to the Rockspace extender setup webpage.

Step 7: Tap on the extender option to go ahead with the setup process.

Step 8: Follow the instructions mentioned on the screen to set up your Rockspace WiFi range extender. 

Step 9: Tap on the Save button to apply the changes.

Step 10: Once you complete the Rockspace extender setup, you can move the extender to the new location of your desire. Ensure to place your extender halfway between the wireless router and the dead network spot. 

Step 11: Plug-in your extender into the power socket and connect your device to the Rockspace extender. 

Step 12: Now, check whether you are able to access the internet in the dead network area from the WiFi extender or not. 

Steps for Rackspace WiFi Range Extender Login  

Follow the below steps to login to your Rockspace WiFi range extender:

Step 1: Firstly, connect the Rockspace extender to your computer or laptop whatever you are using.

Note: You have the option to connect your Rockspace extender to the computer using WiFi. 

Step 2: Open WiFi on your device and search for the wireless network “rockspace_ext”. Thereafter, connect your device to the wireless network of Rockspace extender. 

Step 3: After that, open your device that you have connected to the wireless network.

Step 4: Launch any internet browser from your device. Enter the re.rockspace.local web address or the IP address in the URL bar of the internet browser. 

Step 5: A Rackspace login webpage displays on the screen. 

Step 6: In the next step, enter the login credential details in the respective fields into the login page.

Step 7: Once you have successfully entered the username and password, you will be redirected to the Rockspace range extender dashboard.

Step 8: Now, you can change the setting of your extender such as modify the name, password and security of the network. 

Hopefully, by going through the above steps you will get to know how to do Rockspace Setup with the existing wireless network without any hassle. 


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