Fascinating User Guide for Re.rockspace.local Setup Using the Web Interface

 With so much development in the technology, several updates have been made in the extender that makes it better than before. Rockspace WiFi range extender is one of the ultimate extenders that comes with various models and speed. It is the device that helps you in extending the existing WiFi network and increase the WiFi range in the host WiFi network where they can’t reach. If you already purchased a Rockspace WiFi range extender and are looking for a simple user manual guide to setup your extender using re.rockspace.local without any network glitch then this blog will be helpful for you. There are two ways to set up the Rockspace WiFi range extender i.e. web interface and WPS button. In both ways, you need to be available physically near the local Rockspace signal booster to connect the existing host WiFi network. Let’s keep reading and know the steps to rockspace setup

Guidelines for Rockspace Range Extender Setup Using Web Interface 

For Rockspace WiFi range extender setup, you firstly need to connect the Rockspace booster device from your computer, laptop or mobile device by using the wired connection using Ethernet port of the extender device or default WiFi SSID. Here are the steps to do so:

Step 1: Firstly, connect your Rockspace range extender to the electrical socket placed in the same room as that of your existing WiFi router.

Step 2: After that, open the WiFi in your mobile or laptop. Thereafter, scan for the WiFi network. The default SSID of rockspace is “rockspace_ext”. 

Step 3: Connect with rockspace_ext SSID and wait for some time until mobile or laptop WiFi is connected to the extender device. 

Step 4: Launch an internet browser from your device. Visit http://re.rockspace.local or . You need to wait until the Rockspace login web page displays on the screen. 

Step 5: Next, you need to create a new login password for your Rockspace extender during the first time extender setup. Make sure to create a new login password for the Rockspace range extender. Tap on the Next button to proceed further.

Step 6: Now, you will see a list of all the WiFi networks displayed on the screen nearby the Rockspace extender.

Step 7: Select an existing WiFi network name from the displayed list and then provide the password for the existing WiFi network that you want to extend. 

Step 8: Change the SSID for the extended network. Also, you need to wait for some time until you get an extended page successfully. 

Step 9: Go to mobile and then rescan for the WiFi network. 

Step 10: At last, you will get one more SSID with Rockspace_5GEXT or the new extended network that you have created during the configuration. Remember to use the same WiFi password for the extended network as that of the existing WiFi password. 

That’s it! We hope that by following the above instructions, you can easily set up your Rockspace WiFi range extender by using the web interface re.rockspace.local from your system. 


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