How To Do Rockspace Extender Setup Using re.rockspace.local

Rockspace extender is a user’s choice due to many reasons because it is compatible with almost every router available in the market. Its amazing signal coverage makes it the best extenders out there. It automatically shifts to the high-frequency band, you do not need to select the band frequency manually. Another, main reason for being a favorite is its setup process. It is so easy and quick to set up as compared to some other extenders. You can easily perform the Rockspace extender setup by visiting the re.rockspace.local. Re.rockspace.local is the official handle for Rockspace extenders. You can make all the configuration settings relating to network, login information, or firmware updates via this handle. Rockspace extender setup is easier, more convenient, and quicker.  

Guide To Easily Perform Rockspace Extender Setup On re.rockspace.local:

  • The first and foremost step is to establish a connection between your device and the Rockspace wifi network. The rockspace wifi network might be available by the name of Rockspace_Ext.
  • Secondly, open the web browser you use the most, and on the homepage of the browser, type re.rockspace.local in the address bar. If this URL doesn’t work try entering
  • Then, you must create a login password to proceed with the login settings. 
  • Once you log in, the device will scan all the available networks in your range, and then you must select the range you want to increase.
  • Next, enter your existing wifi router’s password to proceed.
  • You can change the network SSID if you want to.
  • A message ‘Extended Successfully’ will appear on your screen once the setup process is finished.
  • There are two LED indicators, blue and red. The former indicates the best possible connection has been established whereas the latter indicates the possibility of a better connection.
  • In case the LED is red, shift it closer to the router to ensure a better connection.

Guide To Easily Perform The Rockspace Extender Setup Using The WPS button:

  • Switch on your Rockspace wifi extender until the LED indicator turns solid.
  • After that push, the WPS button is present on your extender, and then push the WPS button present on your wifi network within the next 2 minutes.
  • If the connection is properly established then, the light indicator will turn solid and stop flickering. 
  • In case the router does not start then, rest the device.
  • To do the WPS settings, go to the wifi router’s web page and find the settings menu and then select it. Enable the WPS option by clicking on it.
  • Then remove the wifi extender and then attach it somewhere near to the wifi router for better connection.

Wrapping Up Rockspace Extender Setup!

Rockspace Extender Setup is complete. The above blog explains the setup procedure using both the web browser method and the WPS method. Both the methods are equally convenient. The web browser method involves visiting the re.rockspace.local to make the required settings for the Rockspace extender. Whereas, the WPS method involves connecting to the router by just using the WPS button. In case you are unable to access re.rockspace.local you must use the default IP address to do the Rockspace Extender Setup that is It will take you to the admin page of the wifi router. If you face any issues relating to the extender setup, contact our technical team for guidance and they will lead you through the whole setup process. Enjoy Hi-Speed Internet!


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